Wednesday, February 2, 2011

YA Reading Challenge

So I'm a little late jumping on this bandwagon, but jump on I will.  Here's the link to the actual challenge -
I choose to do the "Fun Size" challenge (which is reading 20 Young Adult novels), although in reality I might even read 40 books (the "Jumbo Size").  I'm looking forward to noting some of my reads, although I probably won't review every one of the 20 books...just the ones that I really want to talk about.  But I just wanted to let you all know.  And if I can figure out how to put the button on my blog, I'll do that too!!  Let me know if you want to join in.


  1. I'm in -- and I'll tell you how to put the button on your blog!

  2. I'm in - maybe I'll start a blog, too... :)
